Computer System Security KNC 301/401 Notes AKTU Exam 2nd Year

What is Computer System Security(CSS)?

Computer System Security refers to the measures and practices designed to protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and damage. It ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. This involves safeguarding hardware, software, and data against threats like viruses, malware, hacking, and insider attacks. Techniques include encryption, firewalls, authentication, and regular updates. The goal is to maintain a secure computing environment for users and organizations.

Computer System Security(CSS) KNC 301/401 Syllabus:

Unit 1: Computer System Security Introduction & Hijacking & Defense

Computer System Security Introduction: Introduction, What is computer security and what to l earn? , Sample Attacks, The Marketplace for vulnerabilities, Error 404 Hacking digital India part 1 chase.

Hijacking & Defense: Control Hijacking ,More Control Hijacking attacks integer overflow ,More Control Hijacking attacks format string vulnerabilities, Defense against Control Hijacking – Platform Defenses, Defense against Control Hijacking – Run-time Defenses, Advanced Control Hijacking attacks.

Unit 2: Confidentiality Policies

Confinement Principle ,Detour Unix user IDs process IDs and privileges , More on confinement techniques ,System call interposition ,Error 404 digital Hacking in India part 2 chase , VM based isolation ,Confinement principle ,Software fault isolation , Rootkits ,Intrusion Detection Systems.

Unit 3: Secure architecture principles isolation and leas & Web security landscape

Secure architecture principles isolation and leas: Access Control Concepts , Unix and windows access control summary ,Other issues in access control ,Introduction to browser isolation

Web security landscape : Web security definitions goals and threat models , HTTP content rendering .Browser isolation .Security interface , Cookies frames and frame busting, Major web server threats ,Cross site request forgery ,Cross site scripting ,Defenses and protections against XSS , Finding vulnerabilities ,Secure development.

Unit 4: Basic cryptography

Public key cryptography ,RSA public key crypto ,Digital signature Hash functions ,Public key distribution ,Real world protocols ,Basic terminologies ,Email security certificates ,Transport Layer security TLS ,IP security , DNS security.

Unit 5: Internet Infrastructure

Basic security problems , Routing security ,DNS revisited ,Summary of weaknesses of internet security ,.Link layer connectivity and TCP IP connectivity , Packet filtering firewall ,Intrusion detection.


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