What is Internet of Things(IoT)?The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices that can communicate, collect, and exchange data over the internet. These devices include everyday objects like sensors, appliances, and vehicles equipped with software and connectivity. IoT enables automation, remote monitoring, and control across various industries, enhancing efficiency and convenience. It integrates physical devices with digital systems to provide real-time data and insights. The goal is to create smart environments by connecting devices seamlessly.Internet of Things(IoT) KOT 501 & KCS 712 syllabus:Unit 1: Internet of Things (IoT)Vision, Definition, Conceptual Framework, Architectural view, technology behind IoT, Sources of the IoT, M2M Communication, IoT Examples. Design Principles for Connected Devices: IoT/M2M systems layers and design standardization, communication technologies, data enrichment and consolidation, ease of designing and affordability.Unit 2: Hardware for IoTSensors, Digital sensors, actuators, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, wireless sensor networks, participatory sensing technology. Embedded Platforms for IoT: Embedded computing basics, Overview of IoT supported Hardware platforms such as Arduino, NetArduino, Raspberry pi, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo boards and ARM cortex.Unit 3: Network & Communication aspects in IoT Wireless Medium access issues, MAC protocol survey, Survey routing protocols, Sensor deployment & Node discovery, Data aggregation & dissemination.Unit 4: Programming the ArduinoArduino Platform Boards Anatomy, Arduino IDE, coding, using emulator, using libraries, additions in Arduino, programming the Arduino for IoT.Unit 5: Challenges in IoT DesignDevelopment Challenges, Security Challenges, Other challenges. IoT Applications: Smart Metering, E-health, City Automation, Automotive Applications, home automation, smart cards, communicating H/W units, mobiles, tablets. Designing of smart street lights in smart city. Download Unit 1 Notes Download Download Unit 1,2,3,4,5 Notes Click here